After reading and listening to the various materials in this module, I see that I was not and am not coming close to using the full capabilities of Web 2.0. My excuse is that I do not have time to learn them well enough to employ them in class, but that is a poor excuse.

I am an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) instructor currently teaching three Continuing Education courses: Business English (high-level students, 2 hours a week), Evening ESOL (intermediate level students, 6 hours a week), and Saturday ESOL (high-intermediate level students, 4 hours a week). I consider myself to be somewhat tech-savvy in that, when I was the administrator and an instructor in our intensive program for university preparation (the past 6 years), I used tools such as electronic flashcards, online quizzes, online games, and discussion boards with my students. I integrated current, relevant media from various sites and podcasts into my classes rather than relying solely on what our books provided for audio and video. I made minimal use of the digital tools that came with some of our books. I did minimal upkeep on our program's facebook page. Now that I am in our Continuing Ed division, however, we do not have an LMS. I use Kahoot! ( ) and still access new audiovisual materials and podcasts, but that's it.

My current students in each class almost immediately set up English class groups on What's App and are in frequent communication with each other in English. They are getting fluency practice. I need to meet their level of tech ability and set up at least a discussion board this term for all three classes to use. That is my goal in the next two weeks.


  1. Kudos to you for recognizing an area in which you can implement technology to meet the needs of your students! In just this week I have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of tools that are out there. Not everything can be applied to the classroom, and sometimes it can take time to figure out how to implement something new. It can be a huge challenge to stay up on everything - which is where having a network of fellow educators to tap into for tips and best practices is extremely beneficial. Good luck on creating those discussion boards; I'm sure your students will appreciate it!

  2. It sounds like you were already working to diversify the instruction so it wasn't just lecture. I'm sure they were appreciative of that! I'm also a fan of Kahoot! It breaks up a standard quiz review. Do you have them do it individually, teams, or both? I've only used it a few times, but have enjoyed it so far. I had no idea What's App was this popular! It's coming up everywhere this week. Good luck setting up your discussion boards.

  3. Victoria, you might want to look at Canvas. Many people don't realize teachers can setup courses for free! You of course have some limitations, but for small groups I have found it has all you need! Plus you have experience with it from our classes!

    1. Thanks...I had no idea that Canvas allowed that. We had to work so hard to get access for our full-time students that I did not imagine that there was even a possibility of getting any kind of free access. I will see what I can do.

    2. I also did not realise you could set-up a free account. Thanks very much for sharing.

    3. I agree with your sentiments regarding time and learning new platforms. One of the characteristics of Web 2.0 is the unstable nature of the platforms. You might establish a course that makes use of Facebook as a communication method, but within a year must of your learners (particularly if they are younger) may have switched to Snapchat. You go learn and set-up Snapchat, only to find that Instagram is taking over.

      While none of these platform are prohibitively difficult to learn, for staff who need to limit their training and design time when in comes to social media due to competing priorities , it can be difficult.


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